Our Nursery
We offer:
- A nature inspired curriculum
- Learning beyond the classroom
- Real life and relevant learning opportunities
- A sense of place in our local area and globally
- A unique partnership with the Eden Project
What time do our nursery sessions start and finish?
In order to support the needs of working parents the Nursery is open from 8am – 5.30pm.
Lantern Class times (Monday to Friday term time only):
Wrap-around care (morning) 8am – 9am
Morning Session 9am - 12pm
Afternoon Session 12pm - 3pm
Wrap-around care (afternoon) 3pm – 5.30pm
We are legally obliged by Ofsted to close for 5 inset training days each year. We will notify you in advance of these closure days. Our term dates can be found here.
FEES (For wrap-around care sessions only)
8am – 9am morning session = £4.00 (inc Drink and toast / cereal)
3pm – 5.30pm afternoon session = £8.50 (inc Drink and Toast or Biscuit/Cake/Fruit)
How can I become more involved with nursery life?
Parent Volunteers
We welcome help in school/nursery from parents. For example, hearing readers (in school), art and craft activities and school trips.
Please note that in order to help in nursery/school you need to complete an application form and provide two references (character ones only). We also carry out a confidential police check for regular volunteers as standard. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the school office.
Friends of Sky
The nursery/school has a strong fund-raising group of parents and friends who support our initiatives. All parents on joining the nursery are automatically eligible to be part of the Friends of Sky. Parents can become helpers at events throughout the academic year or become fully involved in the committee by putting themselves forward for election at the annual general meeting.
Also, Friends of Sky have 2 informative social media groups in relation to the school/nursery: a WhatsApp group and a private Facebook group. Lots of information is shared in both groups: school reminders, local events, and get-togethers with the children and their families. They are also a space where you can ask questions and contribute with any events or ideas you may have yourself. If you would like to join either group, please contact the school office and we will put you in touch with the organisers.
Local Governing Board
There are a number of parent representatives on the governing body. Opportunities to become a parent governor may arise throughout the time your child is with us. When vacancies arise, parents are informed and invited to put themselves forward.