Our School Day & Term Dates
Term Dates
School Opening Hours
Our School Day
8.40am Gate Opens
8:40am - 8:55am Register
8.45am Lessons Start with a Read, Write, Inc. session
10.30am Snack Break
10.45am Lessons continue
12pm - 1pm Lunch
1pm Afternoon lessons commence
3.15pm School finishes
We deliver a school week of 32.5 hours per week.
Wrap Around Care
We offer wrap-around care from 8am to 9am for £4.00 per session (Breakfast club) Monday to Friday and 3.15pm to 5.30pm £8.50 per session (After-school club) Monday to Thursday. The session on a Friday runs from 3.15pm to 4.30pm and is £5 per session.
You can book you place book through the MyEd parent app.
We offer these times in the school and nursery.
If you wish to speak to anyone regarding this, please visit the main reception.